Youth Evangelism Outreach Leads to Youth Group

Nothing against teenagers…especially the four that went with me on the Youth Evangelism Outreach weekend to Heemskerk, Holland this past weekend…but , I’m not a teenager anymore!

Yes, we all enjoyed the whirlwind trip to Heemskerk—just northwest of Amsterdam—to support the youth of the Heemskerk Baptist Church as they hosted us and a weekend outreach concert.  We prepared by reviewing our testimonies and the GOSPEL story.  We fellowshipped with the Heemskerk youth by playing games and sharing meals together.  We assisted by praying for and helping promote the Saturday night concert.  We talked with people at the concert about faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  We shared with the church on Sunday during worship.  We put a lot of energy and activity into a few days.  And God used the time to challenge us, to teach us, and to shape us.

Here’s how I would summarize our experiences:

  • Strengthened in our personal faith and discipleship
  • Trained to share our testimonies and equipped to present the gospel
  • Grew in our relationship with each other
  • Exposed to faith and following Jesus in a different culture
  • Stretched to live more authentically for Jesus Christ
  • Challenged to plan an outreach event in Berlin
  • Inspired to organize our own youth group

Yes, that’s right!  The group decided to organize their own group for “older teens” (16-19 yrs.) and to meet Saturdays from 17:00-20:00 h in the homes of volunteers.  This week I’ll be meeting with the group, but my days as a youth pastor are long behind me.  I’m praying that God will raise up an individual and/or a group of leaders who will invest in the lives of these older teenagers.

Thank you for the opportunity to go on a weekend mission project with our teenagers.  It was good for me, good for them, good for the Heemskerk church, and good for us!  How are we reaching out to present the gospel in our community?  What are we doing as a church to be evangelistic?  When will we host a project designed to share the good news with those who need to hear it?  Good questions that need answers.  Will you help answer those questions by praying, volunteering, and sharing?

On The Way,

Scott Corwin, Pastor

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