Towel and Basin–John 13:1-17

At Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, he took off his outer garment, wrapped a towel around his waist, and knelt to wash and dry the feet of each of those present.  Jesus shattered the normative cultural roles of his day, reversed them, and took on the role of a servant.  What kind of Teacher and Lord would stoop to such lowly and humble acts–disrobing and cleaning the dusty feet of his disciples?

This is no proud and haughty ruler who demands to be served.  Instead, here is a Lord who turns the whole idea of Lord on its head and comes as a servant.  This Teacher, motivated by his relationship of grace with the Father [see vs. 3] to offer the full expression of his love [see vs. 1], relegates himself to cleaning feet.

Jesus put his experience of grace and love into action by serving his disciples and in so doing establishes a pattern for us to follow.  The text is quite clear:  “For I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you.”… “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”  Jesus’ foot-washing was an example of humble service for us to follow.

Pray that God’s “great reversal” of grace would wash your feet and that, in turn, you would have the humility to wash the feet of another.  Then take up a “towel and a basin” and become a servant of God’s cleansing grace!

1 thought on “Towel and Basin–John 13:1-17

  1. Faith

    This is indeed our God the Servant King…. I am amazed at what Christ did and what He gave up so that we will be reconciled to God our Father! Praise the Lord for the Servant King!


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