eNotes–“Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly” and “Be Filled with the Spirit”

An Encouraging Word— Families Practicing God’s Love: “Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly” and “Be Filled with the Spirit,” Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:18

Words and their meanings are of particular interest to me. For example, this week I was surprised to learn the meaning of the German word “die Überrumpelung” when discussing my taxes with a tax consultant. Believe me, learning the word for “the surprise” is better learned in a context other than taxes!

Bible words are of particular interest to me since they carry inspired meaning intended to convey God’s truth to us. For example, take the word “filled” from the phrase “…be filled with the Spirit.” What does the word “filled” mean?

In a Greek lexicon you read that the original word means “to make replete” or literally “to cover over a hole.” Look up “to fill” in an English dictionary and take your pick of over thirty different definitions including “to occupy to the full capacity” or “to supply to an extreme degree or plentifully.”

Think about it: insert the lexicon and dictionary and definitions into the phrase and meditate on its meaning. By the way, using a lexicon or using a dictionary is a key step in doing a “word study.”

However, the best way of understanding Bible words is to let the Scripture itself define the meaning of a passage through context and parallel passages. In this context, “being filled with the Spirit” is compared and contrasted with “getting drunk.” When one gets drunk they are “under the influence” and “controlled by” alcohol. The end result is that a drunk person surrenders control of themselves and out comes all kinds of course and riotous behavior. The Bible commands us not to do that.

Instead, we are to be “under the influence” and “controlled by” God’s Spirit. The end result is that a Spirit-filled person surrenders control of themselves to the Holy Spirit and out comes all kinds of godly character and conduct—speaking truth from a joyful heart grateful to God and humbly submitting to others out of a devotion to Christ. (Sounds like the fruit of the Spirit to me!)

In a parallel Pauline passage (Colossians 3:16), “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” occupies the place parallel to “be filled with the Spirit.” Thus, being filled with the Spirit is similar to the Scripture living in you to overflowing which has the same results! That shouldn’t surprise us, since the Ephesians passage prefaces “be filled” with “live as wise…understand what the will of the Lord is.” Where do we go to find wisdom? Where do we find the Lord’s will? In Scripture!

So, how do we “let the word of Christ dwell in us richly” and how are we “filled with the Spirit?” Let me refer you to some practical but powerful skills and “holy habits” that will help you: Daily Time Alone with God (Quiet Time), Daily Office, and the Spirit-Filled Life Prayer. Follow these links to see how you can establish a daily quiet time, practice the presence of God, and pray to be filled with the Spirit.

If you want to be a family member that practices God’s love, it begins with God’s Word and God’s Spirit!  May God fill us to overflowing with his Spirit drawing us closer to his Son–the Living Word–as we dive deeply into his Written Word.  May it show itself in our love for our family members at home and at church.

Growing in love,

Scott Corwin, Pastor

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