Present Your Bodies…A Spiritual Act of Worship

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1 (NIV)

There I was standing in front of the doctor for my annual checkup. It’s a humbling feeling having the doctor poke and prod your body making sure that everything is as God intends for a person my age. Nothing very glamorous or glorious about visiting the doctor. In fact, it’s rather plain and ordinary.

On the other hand, Paul reminds us that our bodies are anything but plain and ordinary. In fact, though not very glamorous, our bodies are indeed glorious. First of all, our bodies are the dwelling place of God’s Spirit (1 Corinthians ) and we are to be full of God’s glorious Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). Second, what we do with our bodies is an expression of the Spirit’s presence within, or as Paul says in Romans 12:1, “a spiritual act of worship.”

When motivated by God’s indwelling Spirit, what we choose to do with our bodies is a spirit-inspired expression of our love and devotion to God. The Scripture is full of guidance and direction on the kinds of things that we can do with our bodies to nurture our love for God by getting close to him, obeying him, and serving him. Here are some “core practices”—actions we engage in with our bodies—that are spiritual acts of worship: worship, prayer, Bible study, single-mindedness, spiritual gifts, biblical community, giving away my…time, money, faith, and life (see Spiritual Formation Exercise (Practices) worksheet).

To comply with Paul’s admonition, we should “offer our bodies”—commit the actions of our bodies—to these practices in submission to the Holy Spirit so that our lives might truly be lived as worship. Note that we are to be “alive”—full of vitality and energy—and, if necessary, make sacrifices to learn these practical skills. No room for convenience and comfort at the expense of growing to be more like Jesus through these. Sacrifice means that we will learn the discipline of rearranging our attitudes, schedules, and our activities in order to live this kind of life. Worship is made available to us through a great sacrifice—i.e. Jesus Christ, it will cost us something to enjoy the rewards of a life of worship.

Take some time this week to read through the “Spiritual Formation Exercise—Core Practices: Live Like Jesus.” Identify and celebrate areas of your life where you are making the necessary sacrifice to practice these “practices.” Note areas of needed growth. Work through the simple goal-setting exercise to make a plan for growing in at least one skill. Commit your plan to the Lord; share it with a trusted friend or your SERVICE group. Pray that God will use this simple exercise to encourage you to grow in these “practices” to act more like Jesus.

One day we’ll all stand before Jesus in our resurrected bodies to give an account of our actions or deeds. One of the things that will prepare us for that day is to offer our current bodies as a living sacrifice to these holy habits, these practices that God uses to grow us and to accomplish his purpose. My prayer is that you and I will be ready because we’ve given ourselves to these “plain and ordinary” spiritual disciplines of worship.

Here’s to your health and mine…

Scott Corwin, Pastor

Sunday’s Sermon Slides: Restoring the Future–Worship, Ezra 3

This Week’s Study: Rebuilding the Temple (Worship), Ezra 3

Spiritual Formation Exercise: Core Practices–Act Like Jesus

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